The best choice of yoga for you can depend on many different factors on any given day.

  • Personality type-what kind of person are you?
  • Body type
  • Age
  • Stress level & life style

What Personality Type Are You?

Let’s look at your personality type first. Do you find it hard to focus and have a lot of energy to burn? Then perhaps a more active based Flow or Hatha Yoga class. It’s important to pick a class that suites your level so you do not get too bored or discouraged. Maybe you have a very active job and are under a lot of chronic stress or recovering from a traumatic injury or illness, or you are have a more passive thought driven personality? Then you might want to lean towards a Gentle, Restore, Chair or Yoga Nidra Class or even just a Meditation class. The poses in yoga originated as merely a warm up to get us to a point where we can sit in meditation or stillness for longer periods of time.

Body Type

We all come in beautiful shapes and sizes with even some dents and scratches from our lives. It’s important to embrace, understand and work with what we have. I always like to check in with my students about any injuries they may have, as there are many types of Yoga styles and poses that can be a contraindication for certain body types, posture imbalances and injuries. If you are injury free, physically fit and exercise regularly- then you’ll probably fine attending any class that suites your mood any given day. However, if you are overweight, injured, or cannot physically get up off the floor-then I would recommend sticking to the Gentle, Chair or Restore Classes. It all depends on what your goals are, for example; to lose weight, relieve stress, gain flexibility, etc.. Be sure to talk to the studio owner, your primary care physician and your yoga instructor to discuss your limitations or concerns.


At different stages in our lives we have different needs. As young children or young adults we may need Yoga explained to us in an age appropriate form as opposed to in our 20’s where our minds and bodies are racing with ego and stamina and we need an ego and stamina boosting Yoga class. As we grow older and wiser we may see life in a different light and want to slow things down, de-stressify and enjoy a slower more mindful practice. So, whatever stage you are in your life you can always find a yoga practice that enriches you.

Stress Level & Life Style

The beauty of all the different styles of Yoga is that we can enjoy different styles at different times of the day or in our lives to help balance ourselves and our stress level and life style. An active practice, be it Gentle or Active, can be beneficial in the morning to get things moving. A Restore Yoga before bed can help unwind and relax you for sleep. If you wake up anxious or find yourself stressed at any given time of the day you can take many of the breath techniques or stretches to bring you back to the present moment.

The overall common denominator is that there is no one way to practice Yoga! Start with what type described above fits you and your mood. Then from there also be curious and try many styles and teachers. You might surprise yourself đŸ™‚